A mobile, comprehensive vaccine service empowering health, one injection at a time
A mobile, comprehensive vaccine service empowering health, one injection at a time
Yes! Staff vaccines can be done seamlessly with patient vaccines. It’s a real advantage of our on-site service; there is virtually no disruption to the staff’s working schedule. If spouses or family members wish to also be vaccinated, the Rx4Prevention staff will be happy to accommodate them.
No. If we have access to your patients’ records, however, we will sign a HIPAA Business Associates agreement.
No. The only potential fee would be the provision of staff members’ vaccines for those without third-party payers.
Patients who can sign consents will do so. For those who cannot, the patient’s Power of Attorney (POA) can sign the consent and HIPAA forms. In many facilities, the Director of Nursing elects to coordinate communications with POA’s to keep abreast of all aspects of the patient’s medical care, and forms can be signed at that time.
No, instead we set up our clinic in an area within your facility: a conference room, a theatre, chapel, lounge, or other area of your choice. For your most fragile residents, we are happy to go to the residents’ room and administer vaccines at bedside.
We bring all needed vaccines and supplies to you, making the Clinic Day hassle-free for your staff. We may ask to have a staff member work with the pharmacist to ensure clients are identified correctly. It also helps residents experiencing fear or anxiety to have a familiar face and voice nearby.
Yes! Rx4Prevention's mobile unit makes on-site employee vaccinations a fast and easy process. With a little prior planning and scheduling with the Human Resources department (or on-site Health Clinic Director), vaccinations can be given to the entire workforce with virtually no downtime.
Absolutely. We’re happy to provide contact info from Directors of Nursing, Corporate Healthcare Liaisons, and other Clinical Care Consultants who are our partners.